Weight loss success story men
Weight loss success story men

weight loss success story men

The active chemical compound semaglutide that is in Ozempic can cause weight loss by making a person feel full, keeping them from emptying their stomach longer than usual, and by lowering blood sugar, said Dr. Michael would say, ‘What’s for dinner?’ and I thought, ‘I don’t really care.’ I’d have some cereal and a few bites of food, and I’d be okay.


“ made me feel full and made my interest in food not really there. How Ozempic changed their relationship with food After taking the medication for six weeks, she lost 14 pounds. She said Ozempic has worked the best for weight management. However, over the years, she found it hard to keep the weight off no matter what method she used. In 2008, before her and Michael’s wedding, she also took the prescription phentermine, and as a result, lost 40 pounds. Over the years, she tried several weight loss programs, including Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, which brought her some short-term success. “Seeing Michael’s success absolutely influenced me wanting to try it,” Susan said. Within four months of taking the medication, his A1C lowered to 5. Susan was already aware of Ozempic because her 54-year-old husband, Michael, began taking it about six months earlier to treat his type 2 diabetes and bring down his A1C to under 6. “I have an, so because of my heart condition and because I’m pre-diabetic, my doctor wanted me to get some weight off,” Susan told Healthline. When 51-year-old Susan Dixon was diagnosed with prediabetes, meaning her blood sugar levels were higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes, her doctor prescribed Ozempic off-label. Image Provided by Michael and Susan Dixon Share on Pinterest Susan (left) and Michael Dixon (right).

Weight loss success story men